For assessments that remain centrally organised by the BHS, we have added the links for the online candidate feedback forms below.
Please ensure you are familiar with our current policies and guidance documents. We are currently reviewing our policies and procedures and therefore not all of our policies are listed below.
If you are looking for a policy or guidance not listed, please contact the Education Team. If you have any queries about how these policies affect your role as an assessor, please contact the Education Team.
Some of these policies are restricted access. Please do not share.
- Safeguarding Policies and Safeguarding Course Resources and Further Safeguarding Resources
- Accidents at BHS Assessments Policy
- Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments
- Conflict of Interest
- Malpractice and Maladministration
- Appeals Policy
- IQA Policy
- Direct Entry
- Skills Record
- BHS Privacy Notice
- Everyone Welcome Policy and Strategy
- Inclusive Language Guidance
- Language Guide Inclusive Terms Summary
- External Workforce Recruitment and Deployment Policy
- Assessment Centre Approval and Allocation Policy
Assessor Guidance
Assessor Updates
Summary of email communications and updates sent from the Education Team
Assessor Training
- 2024 Assessor Training was held on 26 September 2024. A recording and any other supporting documents will be available shortly.
Evening online sessions
Julian Campbell will be hosting some evening sessions via Teams.
Covering a range of topics these sessions are an opportunity for assessors to gain clarification or simply engage in discussion with fellow assessors.
Please note they are not mandatory to attend, however your support of these sessions is very much appreciated. Each session will be allocated 1 CPD point for APCs.
- TBC Translator Guidance. For working with translators to include documentation and recording.
Previous Training
Centre Guidance
- Stage 1 In House (Devolved) Centre Guidance updated 09.2024
- Stage 1 Centre Guidance 6 candidates (3-6-3) updated 07.2023
- Stage 1 Centre Guidance 12 candidates updated 06.2023
- Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride 4 candidates from 01.09.2023
- Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride 8 candidates from 01.09.2023
- Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride 12 candidates updated 07.2024
- Stage 2 Ride Leader Centre Guidance 6 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 2 Teach Centre Guidance 4 candidates updated 07.2024
- Stage 2 Teach Centre Guidance 8 candidates updated 07.2024
- Stage 3 Centre Guidance 3 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 3 Centre Guidance 6 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 3 Centre Guidance 9 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 3 Centre Guidance 12 candidates from updated 07.2024
- Stage 3 Coaching Centre Guidance 4 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 3 Coaching Centre Guidance 8 candidates from 20.02.2023
- Stage 3 Trail Leader Centre Guidance 6 candidates updated 01.2023
- Stage 4 Care_ Lunge and DRESSAGE Ride Centre Guidance from 20.02.2023
- Stage 4 Care_ Lunge and SHOW JUMPING Ride Centre Guidance from 20.02.2023
- Stage 4 Care_ Lunge and Eventing Ride Centre Guidance from 20.02.202
- Stage 4 Event Coach Centre Guidance 8 candidates from 20.02.2023
Qualification Specifications (Syllabus)
These are the confirmed qualification specifications to be used from 20.02.2023 for Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 assessments. Do not share the highlighted versions or the amendments documents.
- Stage 1 Care and Ride
- Stage 2 Syllabus
- Stage 2 amendments summary
- Stage 3 Syllabus
- Stage 3 Syllabus - with amendments highlighted
- Stage 3 amendments summary
- Stage 4 Syllabus
- Stage 4 Syllabus - with amendments highlighted
- Stage 4 amendments summary
- Performance - all units
- Stage 2 Riding Out Syllabus
- Stage 3 Riding Out Syllabus
Recognition of Prior Learning
You may be asked to complete an Assessor Endorsement or Assessor Verification for a learner that is applying for direct entry to BHS Assessment via Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning.
- Lead Assessor Report Form - including centre feedback, risk assessment and accident forms
- Candidate registration form for devolved assessments Stage 1 only (online form)
- Candidate Emergency Contact Form 05.06.2023
- Candidate Sign in/out Register 01.02.2023
- Accident and Near Miss Report Form 03.2024
- BHS Assessments Risk Assessment 03.2024
- Hat Standards 2024 v3 May 2024
- Body protector Standards 2024
- International Assessments hat standards 2024 v3 May 2024
- Candidate Terms and Conditions
- Assessor invoice link - assessments on or after 1 June 2023
- Assessor invoice link - cancelled assessments on or after 1 June 2023
- Translator Role Description - Feb 2024
Ride Safe
The Ride Safe assessment is now delivered under our Challenge Awards model. We now accept the Ride Safe Silver Challenge Award to support candidates progressing through the Ride assessments. You can deliver this award if you are listed as a Challenge Awards Trainer.
Stage 1 (Care and Ride)
We have developed our assessment model which allows our Stage 1 Care and Stage 1 Ride assessments to be delivered at a BHS Approved Riding School. This will be organised by the centre (and the centre will contact you), or the BHS.
We also organise Stage 1 assessments.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
Stage 2 (Care, Lunge, Ride and Coaching)
Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride and Coaching assessments are held at BHS Assessment centres and organised by the BHS.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 2 Coaching candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride feedback sheets OLD SYSTEM (online form)
Stage 3 (Care, Lunge, Ride and Coaching)
Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride and Coaching assessments are held at BHS Assessment centres and organised by the BHS.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride (Dressage and Jump) candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 3 Coaching candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride Feedback OLD SYSTEM (online form)
Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride
Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride assessments are held at BHS Assessment centres and organised by the BHS.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride (Eventing) candidate feedback form (online form)
- Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Dressage Ride Feedback Sheet (online form)
- Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Show Jump Ride Feedback Sheet (online form)
- Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride Feedback Form OLD SYSTEM (online form)
Stage 4 Management
Stage 4 Senior Management
We have developed our assessment model for Stage 4 Senior Management to allow candidates to be assessed via video call. An assessment centre is not required and the assessment will be arranged by the BHS. The candidate must book their assessment through the BHS. You can only assess these if you have been selected in the assessor 'sort'.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 4 Management candidate feedback sheet (online form)
Stage 4 Coaching
The Stage 4 Coaching assessments are centrally organised by the BHS. You can only assess these if you have been selected in the assessor 'sort'.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 4 Coaching Eventing candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 4 Coaching Dressage candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Stage 4 Coaching Show Jumping candidate feedback sheet (online form)
- Old System ITT candidate feedback sheet (online form)
Performance Care And Management
New syllabus
Unit 2: Literature Review, Unit 3: Business Management Skills and Unit 4: Business Management Presentation
- Unit 2, 3 and 4 candidate feedback sheet (online form) - to follow
Ride Leader
Riding Out assessments are held at BHS Assessment centres and organised by the BHS.
Submitting results: Please email to inform us of any absent candidates as currently this cannot be logged on the online form
- Stage 2 Care and Riding Out candidate feedback sheet (online form)