Bookings & information
The course will be aimed at coaches who work with grass roots level participants and content will be delivered in 40 minute coach sessions with a variety of riders who are comfortable riding in demonstration/training sessions with an audience.
9.30 - 10.00 - Arrival, coffee, introductions.
10.00 - 10.30 - "The Check List" and how it links to progression (this session will cover what position/balance rider should be able to achieve to progress to cantering/jumping to promote best horse welfare).
10.30 - Assessing position and balance and suitable exercises for rider - this
session will be delivered on Equine simulator with attending coaches able to
study how it works/can be used.
11.15 - Inclusivity - thinking "out of the box" as a coach to provide the best session for your participant (this session will be a male adult rider).
12.00 - Working without stirrups - how to do this to ensure the horse is happy and the rider improves.
12.45 - Lunch
1.15 - Rider physio session - this session will be delivered by local physio and will
emphasise when coaches should refer riders to physios and the importance of
working together as professionals
2.15 - Novice adult and younger child session - demonstrating the different coaching approaches to different types of participant.
3.00 - Poles and jump prep - exercises we can use to ensure riders
are independent of reins prior to starting jumping.
3.45 - Equine professional participant - how we may coach a career pathway participant (aiming for Stage 3) to improve their position and therefore effectiveness.
Time: 9pm to 4pm
6 CPD Points
COST - £40
Book here