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On-demand Online CPD Courses

  • Last reviewed: 17th February 2025
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Live webinars and training or virtual training to complete in your own time to improve your knowledge and understanding.

Online on-demand CPD courses



Woodlands Training Sarah Simpson - Presentations


Below is a list of Presentations that have been delivered recently and are available as recordings that count as CPD.

All are 2hrs long and count 2 points CPD (apart from Fittening, which is 4hrs long & counts as 4 points CPD).


Bits and Bitting

Diagnostics and Therapy

Equine Nutrition, Feeding Competition Horses

The physiology of Fittening, Fittening Competition Horses

Modern Saddlery

Bits and Bitting

Skin Diseases


Foal to 4years, Backing to Basics 

Stage 2 Teach Lesson plans

Stage 3 Coach Lesson Plans

Stage 4 Coach Lesson Plans Dressage and Lunge

Stage 4 Coach Lesson Plans Show Jumping and Cross Country 

Stage 4 Business Management

BHSI/Stage 5 Business Management

Grassland Management

Coaching Dressage

Coaching Showjumping

Coaching Cross Country

Lungeing Long Reining.

COST: £23


Dressage Test Run Through - BD 2024 - 4CPD

Bookings & information

This course provides an in depth understanding of what’s
required in the BD 2024 tests (Intro / Prelim / Novice / Elem). Alex Gingell (BD list 3a & FEI Judge) is the original RingCraft specialist who takes you through each movement of every test describing what he’ll be looking for higher marks as well as discussing as what sometimes goes wrong. The recording is delivered with enthusiasm and clarity, with the aim of catapulting dressage performances forward positively, across the UK. It has an interactive format where APCs are encouraged to draw the movements out themselves (with clear guidance from Alex) and then can discuss the tests and recordings on his RingCraft Community FB group for a 30 day period following the purchase of the course, enjoying all the
other bundle benefits at the same time. The test ‘talk through’ recordings take 15 – 25 mins and so with the drawing out of them (6 tests of your choice).

Full Series = 4 CPD Points

Time: 3hours delivery Format

COST - £35

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Dressage Test Run Through - BD 2024

Bookings & information

This course provides an in depth understanding of what’s
required in the BD 2024 tests (Intro / Prelim / Novice / Elem). Alex Gingell (BD list 3a & FEI Judge) is the original RingCraft specialist who takes you through each movement of every test describing what he’ll be looking for to achieve higher marks as well as discussing what sometimes goes wrong. The recording is delivered with enthusiasm and clarity, with the aim of catapulting dressage performances forward positively, across the UK. It has an interactive format where APCs are encouraged to draw the movements out themselves (with clear guidance from Alex) and then can discuss the tests and recordings on his RingCraft Community FB group for a 30 day period following the purchase of the course. The test ‘talk through’ recordings take 15 – 25 mins and so with the drawing out of them (3 tests of your choice), this course is roughly 1hr 30 mins

Full Series = 2 CPD Points

Time: 1hours 30mins delivery Format

COST - £20

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Dressage Ringcraft (recording) - Training the Trainer - Adv Med / Med- 4 CPD

Bookings & information

Broaden training objectives to include bettering clients’
performances in the test environment through understanding more accurately about what’s required. Topics include: movement execution, clear definitions,
firewalls, minimising losses whilst maximising gains, new tests, new words and
the new direction. Recordings of remote RingCraft lessons of the new BD 2024
tests: Prelim, Novice and Elementary. Watch at your leisure - as this is a
recording, you have the opportunity to pause and replay, to squeeze out every
word of information. The purchase of this course includes a 30 day free trial as
a 'core' member of the RingCraft Community. Link will be sent to the email you
provide on purchase. 

Full Series = 4 CPD Points

Time: 3 - 4 hours delivery Format

COST - £40 

Use coupon code XMASCPD4 for a price reduction of £10 until Dec 31st 2025

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Dressage Ringcraft (recording) - Training the Trainer - Adv Med / Med - 2CPD

Bookings & information

Broaden training objectives to include bettering clients’ performances in the test environment through understanding more accurately about what's required. Topics include: movement execution, clear definitions, firewalls, minimising losses whilst maximising gains, new tests, new words and the new direction. Watch at your leisure - as this is a recording, you have the opportunity to pause and replay, to squeeze out every word of information. The purchase of this course includes a 30 day free trial as a 'core' member of the Ring Craft Community.

Link will be sent to the email you provide on purchase.

Full Series = 2 CPD Points

COST - £25

Use coupon code XMASCPD2 to receive £10 discount until Dec 31st 2025

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Equine Behaviour & Training Certificate

Details & Information 

Equine Behaviour & Training Certificate Apply behavioural
science and learning theory to horse training. How to minimise stress and increase training efficiency. Understand the biological reasons behind horse behaviour and get to the root cause of problems. Train reliable behaviours that your horse can demonstrate whether at home or away. Apply training methods in a way that improves the horse’s performance and welfare whilst maintaining ethics.
Learn about the science behind reinforcement in training and how you can apply it successfully As great theoretical CPD course for equine professionals. The course is NOCN Accredited (Ofqual-regulated Awarding Body).

4 CPD Points

COST - £298

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Recognising Lameness in Horses

Details & Information 

In this webinar, veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton and
veterinary physiotherapist Holly Gallacher will explore how to identify the less obvious behavioural and bio-mechanical signs of lameness. They will provide practical tips to help you detect early signs of discomfort, allowing for prompt treatment, reduced costs, and shorter recovery times for your horse. Webinar content includes: How lameness affects a horse’s daily routines and time budgets Changes to trained behaviours caused by discomfort The emergence of unwanted or problematic behaviours Detecting physical signs of lameness How to do a basic
lameness exam The long-term physical effects of lameness on the rest of the horse’s body After the presentation,

2 CPD Points

COST - £19

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The Scales of Training

Details & Information 

The Scales of Training refer to the basic schooling of every horse whether the rider wishes to concentrate on dressage, jumping or eventing and are essential to any horse’s physical and mental development, at all levels from novice upwards. This webinar is in two parts:
Part one: We will take a detailed look at: Rhythm, Suppleness, Contact. Part Two: We will take a detailed look at: Impulsion, Straightness, Collection.

2 CPD Points per part 

COST - £10 per part - £20 for both 

Download anytime

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The Science of Equine Use in Therapy

Details & Information 

Explore the research underpinning equine-assisted interventions and services. Discover ways to apply evidence-based practices to support diverse populations. Understand how equine-assisted interventions address health inequalities and offer innovative, non-medical solutions.

1 CPD Point


6 - 7:30pm       

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The psychology of Horsemanship Part One

Details & Information 

An informative webinar for both coaches and riders with the aim of
developing the partnership between horse and rider. We will be covering the development, the challenges faced, and the goals of successful horsemanship. As human beings wanting to bond with our horses, we must use all our available skills: our senses, our intelligence, our physical body awareness and intuition.
Horses are better at doing this than we are, so there is a lot for us to learn from our equine partners. Historically, horsemanship is about developing mutual trust, respect and understanding and love: the foundations of a rock-solid relationship: Part 1: Equine Psychology (Understanding the horse) The horse's senses, primary responses and emotion Part 2: Training Psychology (Understanding yourself) The rider's communication, training and learning from past experiences. Part 3 Relational Psychology (Understanding the partnership) The goals, the development and the challenges faced in successful horsemanship 

2 CPD Points per section 

COST - £10 per section 

           £30 For all 3 


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Details & Information 

An archived webinar recording of equine ethologist and
behaviour consultant Samantha Couper on the benefits and behaviours of play in horses. Webinar content includes:

• An introduction to the functions play serves for the developing equid

• From objects to self-play, learn the different ways in which horses use each other and their environment to play

• An introduction to how to differentiate aggression and equine stereotypies from play

• How compromised welfare (such as pain) and play might be interconnected

•An introduction to how to differentiate aggression and equine stereotypies from play After the presentation, Sam answered questions from the audience.

2 CPD Point

COST -  £19

1 - 2 hour delivery format        

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Details & Information 

An archived webinar recording of equine welfare scientist Dr Aline Bouquet
exploring the underlying causal factors of different stereotypic behaviours
('stable vices') and their welfare implications for individual horses. Webinar
content includes: • The difference between stereotypies and abnormal repetitive
behaviours • What causes the development of stereotypies and who is at risk? •
What’s new in the field of equine stereotypic behaviour research • Debunking
myths: common misconceptions surrounding equine stereotypies • Practical
solutions: how can I prevent stereotypies and what do I do if my horse performs
stereotypic behaviours • Are stereotypies a good indicator for welfare? After
the presentation, Aline answered questions from the audience.

2 CPD Point

COST -  £19

1 - 2 hour delivery format        

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Goal Setting for Equestrians

Details & Information 

This Course from Rider Mentality will delve into the latest research from both Psychology and Science to provide you with a greater understanding of how to effectively set and achieve Goals for both you and those your working with. The content will be useful for riders and coaches alike. The Webinar is followed up with a Quiz to check understanding and Coaches will be provided with feedback from the Quiz. Learning Outcomes By the end of the Course you will be able to: > Demonstrate the power goal setting has to help you practice better habits. > Recognise what habits are and why we have them. > Outline the components of a Habit Loop. > Recognise the role of stress in effective goal setting and habit formation. > Effectively interpret your habit cues. > Identify the difference between stopping bad habits and breaking them. > Discuss the weaknesses of relying on will power. > Outline the Science
of making and breaking habits. > Discuss the concept of Delayed Gratification. >
Outline the Question Behaviour effect. > Explain the scientific concept of
Cognitive Dissonance. > Compare two practical Goal setting models. .

2 CPD Point

COST -  £10

            £8 for BHS APC's.

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Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) course for Equestrian Coaches

Details & Information 

By the end of this Course you will be able to: Describe the
Foundations of NLP as well as it's basic principles and apply these to you're Equestrian Coaching which will allow you to improve your Psychological understanding of yourself as a Coach and the Clients that you work with.
Learning Outcomes for all modules can be found on the following link:

3 CPD Point

COST - £39.99 (with feedback)  £30.00 (without feedback) 

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Self Compassion for the Equestrian

Details & Information 

By the end of this Course you will be able to: > Define the meaning of Self Compassion and why as an Equestrian it's such an important practice for you to adopt. As well as giving you a greater understanding of what Self Compassion really means and looks like you will also be provided with some simple ideas of ways you can include it in your everyday life. It will also look into how being around our horses can help and the role they have to play. Learning Outcomes > Provide a definition of Self Compassion. > Discuss why Self Compassion is important for you as an Equestrian. > Describe the three core elements which make up self compassion. > Identify practical ways to include this in your everyday life. > Explain how being around horses can help and the role they have to play. > Discuss the differences between self kindness and self judgement. > Discuss Tend and Befriend instinct.
> Describe the mammalion caregiving system > Recognise the common human
experience > Develop mindfulness practices. > Discuss the psychological scale to
measure self compassion. > Discuss the difference between self esteem and self
confidence > Explore the physical benefits of practicing self compassion. >
Discuss the potential down sides of self compassion.


2 CPD Point

Cost: £10 

         £8 for BHS APC's

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The Importance of smell and taste for horses

Details & Information 

By the end of the course you will
be able to:

> Recognise the basic anatomy of the Horses nose.

> Describe the Vomeronasal Organ and it’s function.

> Define what Pheromones are and give an example of there function. > Explain the Horses Flehmen response.

> Discuss smell and perception in Horses.

> Summarise the similarities between Horse and
Human smelling ability.

> Discuss how Horses rely on their sense of smell.

> Recognise how important allowing your Horse to sniff their environment is.

> Explain the process commonly seen when Horse’s meet and how this can be managed in the safest possible way.

> Describe how Horses taste and why sweet and salty
flavours are important.

> Discuss how taste should be considered when Bitting

> Summarise the Do’s and Don’ts when considering our horses smell and taste.

2 CPD Point

Cost: £10 

         £8 for BHS APC's

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How Horses hear

Bookings & information

Learning Outcomes By the end of the module you will be able to:

>Recognise the basic anatomy of the horses ear.

> Explain the differences between the loudness Horse and Human are able to hear.

> Describe what Pitch is and the differences between what Horse and Human can hear.

> Discuss how Horses interpret sounds and become used to those present in their familiar environment.

> Summarise how Horse’s hearing helps them to be social creatures.

> Explain what sound localization is.

> Define why Horses do not appear to be good at
sound localization.

> Explain how Horse and Human hearing changes as they age.

> Discuss how Horses react to different types of noises in their environment and how desensitisation can be a useful training tool when getting them used to unfamiliar noises.

> Describe how you can effectively use different tones of
voice when training Horses.

2 CPD Points

COST - £10 & £8 For APCs

TIME - Ongoing



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How Horses see

Bookings & information

Learning Outcomes By the end of the course you will be able to:

> Explain in basic terms the connection between the Eye and Brain for both Human and Horse.

> Describe Visual Acuity and how it differs from Human to Horse.

> Define the horses range of vision. >

Explain why horses are so sensitive to movement in relation to Peripheral Motion.

> Identify where the horses Blind Spots are and discuss how you might consider these when working with them.

> Describe how Focus differs for Human and Horse.

> Define how Human and Horse colour vision differs.

> Explain what the terms Dichromatic and Trichromic vision mean in relation to Horse and Human.

> Discuss how Horse and Human night vision compares and how you might consider Horses night vision ability in your management of them.

> Summarise the connection that exists between the Horses eyes and how you might consider this when training them in a new Exercise

2 CPD Points

COST - £10 & £8 For APCs

TIME - Ongoing



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Horse Nutrition Winter Webinar Series

Bookings & information

Find out what Clare feeds her own horses, and find out what she recommends most to all the horse owners she works with.

Get the truth about feed and supplement products. 

Steeped with nutribaloney and some surprising truths certain companies don't want you to know! 

2 CPD Points

COST - £15

TIME: 7pm - 9pm 


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Horse Feeding Masterclass

Bookings & information

Unlock the power of an optimal diet for our horse, with Clare's 6 step framework for a perfectly balanced diet. 

Simplify horse nutrition and allow Clare to navigate the minefield of nutrition for you. 

Get peace of mind about what you're feeding, so you can put your energy into enjoying your horse rather than worrying about what to feed.

2 CPD Points

COST - £15

TIME: 7pm - 9pm 


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Horse and Rider Tension

Details & Information 

By the end of this Course you will be able to: > Discuss how we can
combat Rider Tension through the development of resilience and strategies in
relation to our body awareness, rider position, mindset and breathing. > This
will provide you with the practical tools to be the best leader and rider for
your horse in any situation. Learning Outcomes By the end of the course you will be able to:

> Discuss how tension manifests itself for both human and horse.

>Identify how the rider’s tension affects the horse

> Recognise when our horses are working free from any tension.

> Discuss the differences between positive and negative tension.

> Develop an understanding of the correct Horse and rider

> Discuss potential solutions to problems caused by Horse and Rider

2 CPD Points

COST - £10 

           £8 for APC's 


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Optimising Nutrition for the Metabolically Challenged

Details & Information 

Clare will help you clear a path through the confusing maze of opinions about how to feed and manage horses and ponies who are metabolically challenged with insulin dysregulation (ID), EMS, laminitis, HAL & related conditions.

Master the art of feeding your individual horse or pony with practical advice about how to apply the science. 

2 CPD Points

COST - £15



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Horse and Rider Mindset

Bookings & information

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

> Identify how having the right mindset for both Horse and Rider can allow you to achieve your chosen outcomes more consistently and with greater confidence. Learning Outcomes By the end of this Course you will be able to: > Discuss practical strategies to improve your mindset and confidence.

> Identify how improving your understanding of Horse
Behaviour can improve the relationship with your horse.

> Develop a basic
understanding of the Unconscious Mind.

> Develop a basic understanding of Horse
Behaviour including how they gather information from their senses.

> Identify
common Horse Body Language signals.

> Develop the use of various practical
strategies to improve the relationship with your mind.

2 CPD Points

COST - £10

            £8 for BHS APC's 

TIME: Ongoing as available on demand. 


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Details & Information 

An archived webinar recording of vet behaviourist Gabriel Lencioni and equine behaviour consultant and trainer Trudi Dempsey on early life experiences and their long-term impact on horses.

1 CPD Point

COST - £19 

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How Horses Process the World

Details & Information 

By the end of this Course you will be able to: Effectively compare some of the differences between how Horse and Human process the world and more easily recognise when Horses are being humanised and the detrimental effects this can have. This will allow you to understand horses better and improve the relationships you have with them.

Learning Outcomes are available for all modules on the following link:

2 CPD Point

Cost: £39.99

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Equine Energy Healing

Details & Information 

This comprehensive course on Equine
Energy Healing is designed to empower horse owners and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote healing and achieve a harmonious balance between mind and body, both for themselves and their equine companions.

Participants will delve into the fascinating world of energy healing, exploring
its historical roots, scientific research, and practical applications in the
context of equine care. The course features an insightful case study by Angela Hall, which illustrates real-world applications of energy healing techniques.

Students will gain an understanding of the history of energy healing practices and how they have been integrated into modern holistic approaches. The course emphasises the importance of research and scientific evidence that supports the efficacy of energy healing methods, providing participants with a solid foundation in both theory and practice. Throughout the program, learners will explore various healing approaches tailored specifically for horses, including an in-depth examination of chakras—the vital energy centres that play a crucial role in maintaining physical and emotional well-being. Participants will learn about the process of energy healing itself, discovering how to effectively channel energy to facilitate healing in horses. Key principles of healing will be thoroughly discussed, equipping students with essential tools to understand what to expect during a healing session. By the end of this course, participants will not only enhance their own well-being but also develop a profound connection with horses through the transformative power of energy healing which
is gaining popularity among many equestrians.

1CPD Point

COST - £70

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Exploring Equine Neurology with Practical Assessments

Details & Information 

The course is designed for all
equestrians, including both horse owners and professionals. It addresses the
prevalence of neurological issues in horses, which are often overlooked and can
lead to serious health implications. It is important for APC’s as they could be
the first to spot a potential issue when teaching so they can make informed
decisions and any veterinary referrals where necessary. The course focuses on
the equine nervous system, the science behind the nervous system and common
disorders. Participants will learn how to initially evaluate neurological
soundness in horses using a practical 10-Point Dynamic Assessment Checklist.
This checklist is supplemented with a video assessment that guides users on what
to do if they suspect a neurological issue in a horse. Additionally, the course
delves into how horses perceive pain, particularly chronic or persistent pain.
The course discusses neurological grading scales and how to interpret.
Furthermore, it provides insights into diagnostic tools the vet may use and
discusses treatment options available for affected horses and how to monitor
neurological conditions.

1 CPD Point

Cost: £60

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Applying the Five Domains Model to the Welfare Assessment of Sport and Recreation Horses

Bookings & information

Hosted by the University of New
England, this open learning, on-demand course teaches how to apply the 2020 Five
Domains Model for Welfare Assessment and Monitoring to sport and recreation
horses. Through 7 carefully designed, engaging modules, the course steps through
the 2020 Five Domains Model in a detailed manner, always considering welfare
according to the latest scientific understanding. It presents a welfare
assessment checklist and comprehensive selection of situation-related and
animal-based indicators that can be applied in practice (in the field) to
monitor and improve a focal horses' welfare. It covers the ethical environment
in which we work with and use horses, and some strategies to think through
challenging situations, including end-of-life decisions. Learning Objectives: •
Explain the contemporary understanding of animal welfare • Recognise optimal
conditions for horses • Classify all areas of a horse's management into the Five
Domains • Apply a Five Domains-based welfare assessment checklist using reliable
and feasible indicators • Identify specific aspects of a horse’s existence that
compromise welfare • Reflect on opportunities to make incremental improvements
in a horse's lived experience. Program Agenda (Summary): • The course is divided
into 7 Modules and takes 25 hours to complete. • The content is presented in
video format with a text transcript and compulsory learning assessments. Course
presenter support is available to learners as needed. • The course is
self-paced. • By the end of the course, learners will have assessed the welfare
of five separate case study horses using a Five Domains based assessment
questionnaire Additional background: This course is endorsed by Professor
Emeritus David Mellor, ONZM, who developed the Five Domains Model over three
decades in collaboration with other academics, as well as by award winning
veterinarian and ethologist, Professor Paul McGreevy.

6 CPD Points

COST - AUD199.00 

 Start and end time- On-demand, self-paced. No time limit.


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Bookings & information

In this archived webinar recording equine veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton explores a variety of common behavioural problems seen in mares and why they may occur.
She considers what is normal mare behaviour and how management, training, hormones and the reproductive drive can impact the horse’s emotional and physical state. Roxane also examines whether chestnut mares behave differently to those with other coat colours. Topics include: • A review of normal mare behaviour and reproductive physiology • The hormonal/reproductive impact on behaviour • Possible causes of unwanted behaviour in mares - including pain, stressors, management and training • The effect of coat colour on behaviour.

2CPD Point

COST - £19

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Bookings & information

Horse behaviour problems are a common complaint of both horse owners and equine veterinarians.

Specific issues in horses are best addressed by qualified experts. However, while most people know to contact a veterinarian when their horse is ill or lame, some uncertainty still remains about where people should turn when a horse has a behaviour problem.

To complicate matters, hiring an unqualified professional can result in worsening of existing problems or even the creation of new problems. How are horse owners or referring veterinarians to know which professional is the most appropriate one to hire in these situations?

In this webinar recording, equine behaviour consultants Justine Harrison and Lauren Fraser discuss different aspects of horse behaviour consulting, and what people should know before hiring or referring to a professional to address horse behaviour problems.

It will cover topics such as:

• An introduction to the profession of horse behaviour consultant

• The education and experience required

• Different models of behaviour consulting

• The role of veterinary referral in a consultant’s work

• The consultation process

• How consultants determine why the problem behaviour is occurring

• Common horse behaviour problems

• Behaviour modification techniques

• Training techniques to be avoided

After the presentation, Justine and Lauren answered questions from the audience.

This presentation is for horse owners, equine veterinarians and other paraprofessionals who work in the equine industry. It will also be useful for anyone considering a career in horse behaviour consulting.

Once enrolled you have 60 days to watch this recording.

Full Series = 2 CPD Points

COST - £19

Book here


Details & Information 

An archived webinar recording of equine behaviour consultant and university professor Dr Robin Foster on the role of confidence in human-horse interactions and how to build it. Topics covered include: • How does self-confidence affect a
person’s interactions with horses and with the equestrian community? • What factors erode self-confidence and how can their impact be lessened? • What steps can a person take to strengthen appreciation of their own abilities and judgement? • How does a horse’s confidence come into play? • How can a strong
human-horse bond build trust, confidence, and satisfaction?

1 CPD Point

Cost: £19

Book Here



The biomechanics of bridle and bit fit

Bookings & information

Liz chats to Sue about the effects of
bridle and bit choices on impulsion and movement, and why they can affect hind
limb engagement. What is the hyoid apparatus and why does it affect hind limb
engagement? Sue draws on her experiences from attending whole horse dissections
and feeling for herself what happens when the hind limb is flexed when different
bits and nosebands are fitted. With her extensive anatomical knowledge
particularly of the horse's head, she is able to discuss in depth the impact of
our tack choices.

1CPD Point

COST - £6

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Training the Trainer - 2CPD

Bookings & information

performances in the test environment through understanding more accurately about what’s required.

Topics include: movement execution, clear definitions, firewalls, minimising losses whilst maximising gains, new tests, new words and the new direction.

Watch at your leisure - as this is a recording, you have the opportunity to pause and replay, to squeeze out every word of information. 

The purchase of this course includes a 30 day free trial as a 'core' member of the RingCraft Community.

Link will be sent to the email you provide on purchase.

Full Series = 2 CPD Points

COST - £15

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RingCraft - Training the Trainer - 4CPD

Bookings & information

Broaden training objectives to include bettering clients’ performances in the test environment through understanding more accurately about what’s required.

Topics include: movement execution, clear definitions, firewalls, minimising losses whilst maximising gains, new tests, new words and the new direction.

Recordings of remote RingCraft lessons of all levels including new FEI tests and later on in the year, the new BD 2024 tests. 

Watch at your leisure - as this is a recording, you have the opportunity to pause and replay, to squeeze out every word of information. 

The purchase of this course includes a 30 day free trial as a 'core' member of the RingCraft Community.

Link will be sent to the email you provide on purchase.

Full Series = 4 CPD Points

COST - £30

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BHS Master Series (BHS Organised Course)

Bookings & information

The series consists of four innovative Masterclasses from the very best in the equestrian world with the final episode in the series being a Q&A.

Episode One – Featuring Yogi Breisner FBHS (1 CPD Point)

Improve your balance and accuracy with pole work exercises, demonstrated by top event rider Laura Collett riding her Pau winner, London 52.


Episode Two – Featuring Richard Davison FBHS (1 CPD Point)

Looking to get more out of your lateral work or just starting your ‘sideways’ journey?


Episode Three – Featuring Caroline Moore FBHS (1 CPD Point)

Caroline introduces us to her three-step process; training to learn, training to compete and training to win. 


Episode Four – Featuring Erik Mackechnie-Guire FBHS (1 CPD Point)

'Learning Without Limits'. Erik works with recreational and para riders with limiting factors caused by accident and illnesses to show there really are no limits when you have the will to succeed! 


Episode Five – Chat Show

Hosted by Lizzie Greenwood-Hughes, The Masters' Series Chat Show is the fifth episode in the series. The episode features some of the BHS's most famous Fellows discussing a variety of topics and subjects, some of which have been suggested by you the BHS member.


Full Series = 5 CPD Points

1 point per episode or 5 points for full package

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Autism, Sport and Physical Activity Module (External Course)

Bookings & information

Recognising and understanding the key areas of difficulty experienced by both the participants and the session leaders is vital to providing effective support. 

Cost: £33.00 + VAT

1 CPD Point

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E-Horse Online Courses (External Course)

Bookings & information

E-horse are an award winning Registered Equine CPD provider delivering certified quality education to horse owners in the UK.


E-Horse Asymmetrical or lame? Where do we draw the line? - 1 CPD point

Help horse owners to understand normal movement patterns of horses and how movement symmetry of your horse can be impacted by different factors.



Equine Emergency First Aid -  3.5 CPD points

A guide to know how to cope in an equine emergency.



This selection of online courses is provided by


Bookings & information

Difficulty catching your horse is a common problem for many horse owners.  This can be especially challenging if the horse is distracted, anxious or in a different environment.

In this webinar equine trainer and behaviour consultant Trudi Dempsey explains why horses may be difficult to catch, and how you can train your horse to reliably come back to you, time after time.

You will learn how to:

• Understand reasons that horses might not want to be caught/recall

• Recognise and interpret body language around catching and recall

• Build trust through positive interactions

• Train a behaviour from start to finish

• Break down your training goal into achievable steps

• Develop patterns that change unwanted behaviour

• Apply basic learning theory in training

• Harness the power of association

• Progress to different environments

• Train around distractions

• Use advanced applications like ‘head up’ from grazing

• Set yourself and your horse up to succeed

• Problem solve

After the presentation, Trudi answered questions from the audience.

This presentation is for horse owners, students, equine professionals interested in horse training and behaviour.

Once enrolled you have 60 days to watch this recording.



Full Series = 1 CPD Point





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Dr David Marlin Online Courses (External Course)

Bookings & information

The site is an independent information resource for all equestrians. A source of unbiased, science-based research, we deliver news, and product reviews, with webinars, podcasts and articles covering the full breadth of the equine world.

Below courses are worth 1 CPD point each


Early Season Winter Training

Equine Asthma with Dr Kirstie Pickles MRCVS 

Heart Rate, Fitness and Training

Kinesiotaping by Dr. Gillian Tabor

Kissing Spine with Dr Gillian Tabor 

Principles of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation with Dr Gillian Tabor

Strangles by Dr. Kirstie Pickles 

The Equine Neck Anatomy & Function – Dr Gillian Tabor

The Science behind Worming Your Horse 

The Thoracic Sling – Dr Gillian Tabor

The Equine Stifle, Function and Dysfunction – Dr Gillian Tabor

Equine ‘Choke’ with Dr Kieran O’Brien

Horseflies – Natures Terrorists – Dr Kieran O’Brien

Keeping Your Horse Safe with Dr Kieran O’Brien

Biosecurity – what is it and why should you care?

The Stabled Horse – Can we do it better? Dr Kieran O’Brien

In Hand with Dr Gillian Tabor

Equine First Aid – Dr. Kirstie Pickles

The Bare Truth – Farrier Aksel Vibe


More information about each course can be found here - 


Cost - Monthly Subscription from £8

Equine Massage Academy - Full range of equine related online courses (External Course)

Bookings & Information

Equine Massage Academy (EMA) is a leading equine training company offering over 40 courses, led by Angela Hall, a published author of Is My Horse in Pain? EMA provides high-quality, evidence-based courses that come with CPD awards and completion certificates all delivered online at your own convenience with lifetime access.

Courses approved by BHS are aimed at all equestrians, whether you are an APC, a therapist, a competitor at any level, a pleasure rider or simply a horse owner wanting the best knowledge, we have courses for you. No coursework is required—simply sit back, watch the video presentations, and print the accompanying manuals, which contain information you will never have encountered before.

Many courses are accredited by the Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists (IRVAP) as well as the British Horse Society, ensuring they meet high standards. All of this is available at very affordable costs, with high standards being guaranteed.

Courses offered fall under the categories of Therapy, Healthcare & Wellness, Training, Performance, and Injury Management.  There is something for everyone.

Here are the current courses with BHS approval:

Equine Alternative Therapies (Meridians and Acupressure)

Equine Rocking Therapy 

Equine Tension Point Release (TPR)

Equine Craniosacral Therapy

Equine Myofascial Decompressions (Cupping) 

Advanced Myofascial Release and Kinetic Chains

Equine Musculoskeletal Health, Training, and Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Guide for Professional Riding Coaches

Comprehensive Equine Health Assessment for Professional Riding Coaches

Equine Water Treadmill for Training and Rehabilitation

Equine Bit and Bridle Fitting for Equestrians

Racehorse to Riding Horse Aftercare and Retraining

Training Horses from an Anatomical Perspective

The Full Extent of Equine Lameness

Equine Conformation, Biomechanics and Beyond

Empowering Equestrians with Saddle Assessment Skills

Equine Massage for Horse Owners

Equine Forensics – Investigating through Dissection

Equine Biosecurity Best Practice Protocols

Equine Emergency First Aid

Optimising Gut Health and Colic Prevention

Impact of Nutrition on Equine Wellness, Performance and Recovery

Natural Horse Health for Wellness: Harnessing the Power of Plants

Optimum Management for Travelling Horses

Paddock Management for Equestrian Use

Yoga and Mindfulness for Equestrians

Equine Musculoskeletal Health, Training, and Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Guide for Professional Riding Coaches on

Comprehensive Equine Health Assessment for Professional Riding Coaches 


Please book here or see the courses listed individually in the following sections of this table.

Horses Inside Out - Gillian Higgins - Series Collections (External Courses)

Bookings & information

Horses Inside Out is an award-winning, internationally recognised organisation founded by Gillian Higgins in 2006.
Its purpose is to give riders, coaches, and therapists, in fact, anyone interested in discovering more about horses, a fascinating insight into equine locomotion, training, management and welfare from an anatomical perspective

Series Collection courses are worth 6 CPD points for each collection completed. The episodes are available to watch separately - see website for details. 

Horses Inside Out Webinar Series 1 and 2 Collection £80.00

This collection includes:-
Understanding Your Horse's Back (2)
Pilates for Horses
Poles for Posture
Understanding Muscles and Fascia
Understanding Your Horse's Neck
Understanding and Assessing Posture
Skeletal Maturity and Exercises for Young Horses
Polework and Gymnastic Jumping

Horses Inside Out Webinar Series 3 Collection £40.00

This collection includes:-
Muscular Misconceptions - All about the muscles on which we sit
Anatomy of the Head - Related to health, performance, bridle fit and design
The Biomechanics of Bending - Exercises to improve lateral flexion
The Biomechanics of Collection - Exercises to improve engagement

Horses Inside Out Webinar Series 4 Collection £30.00

This collection includes
The Biomechanics of Lateral Work - Exercises to improve lateral expression and stability
The Biomechanics of Transitions - Exercises to improve strength and harmony
Striving for Straightness - Exercises to improve symmetry and straightness

Horses Inside Out Webinar Series 5 Collection £30.00

Understanding and Assessing Movement 

This collection includes
The Biomechanics of Walk- techniques and exercises to improve the walk and top tips for improving the walk.
The Biomechanics of Trot - techniques and exercises to improve the expression and cadence of the trot
The Biomechanics of Canter - techniques and exercises to improve the quality of the canter                                   


More information about each course can be found here - Book here 

Cost - see website for more details 

Horses Inside Out - Gillian Higgins - Individual sessions (External Courses)

Bookings & information

Horses Inside Out is an award-winning, internationally recognised organisation founded by Gillian Higgins in 2006.
Its purpose is to give riders, coaches, and therapists, in fact, anyone interested in discovering more about horses, a fascinating insight into equine locomotion, training, management and welfare from an anatomical perspective

Recognising Pain Related Poor Performance with Dr Sue Dyson

CPD points : 6

Cost : £120.00

Horses that aren’t quite performing as they should be is a common issue and can leave you questioning your training and general management to find the answers. One fundamental skill we should all have is the ability to recognise when these issues are pain-related.

Book here 

Training the Brain with Dr Andrew Hemmings

CPD points : 5

Cost : £85.00

Covering the anatomy of the brain, how it works and how this knowledge can be applied to handling, training, welfare and management, this recorded online seminar, which also includes a useful insight into stereotypical behaviours and an online brain dissection is a must for therapists, trainers, students and indeed all equine professionals.

Book here 

Anatomy in Action Video Course 

CPD points : 6

Cost : £120.00

The Anatomy in Action video collection is a comprehensive, biomechanics course in horse movement. Evaluating paces from walk to gallop, poles to drop fences and lateral work to specialist moves such as the sliding western halt, pesade and capriole, the course comprises of 28 high-definition, slow-motion videos evaluating and clearly explaining the anatomy and biomechanics of the movements. The horses are all working towards their personal best.

Book here 

Understanding the Tendons and Ligaments of the Lower Limb 

CPD points : 2

Cost : £35

This on-demand seminar studies the anatomy and biomechanics of the lower leg in detail and focuses on tendon injury and its prevention, early detection, management and rehabilitation.

Book Here

The Equiculture Course (External Course)

Bookings & information

Anyone who owns or manages horses or ponies. This course challenges traditional, outdated methods and offers innovative solutions for the forward-thinking horse owner.

Cost: £147.99

2 CPD Points

Book here

Understand Horses online CPD courses (External Course)

Bookings & information

Understand Horses, is a course platform created by equine behaviour consultant Justine Harrison. Several online courses are available from various contributors who are experts in their field including:

An Introduction to Equine Nutrition - 2 CPD points

A better understanding of the horse’s natural feeding patterns, digestive system and nutrient requirements can help you provide a more balanced and appropriate diet for your horse, with consideration of their behavioural needs, welfare and gut health.



Understand Equine Body Language - 2 CPD points

A better understanding of how horses communicate and being able to read their body language can help you improve your relationship with your own horse and give you the confidence to make better-informed choices about riding, handling and training and help keep you safe every day. 



Understand Horse Behaviour - 2 CPD points

A better understanding of horse behaviour can help you improve your relationship with your own horse and give you the confidence to make better-informed choices about riding, handling, training and competing. 



Grey Matters, Understanding the Equine Brain - 2 CPD points

Studying the equine brain gives us insight into how horses perceive the world. By learning about their realms of sensory information and how their cognition processes this information we can understand how best to ensure they survive and thrive.



An Introduction to Training Horses with Food - 1 CPD point

How we handle and train our horses is extremely important, not just for our horse's welfare but also for the effect that it has on our relationship and our safety. More horse owners and trainers are looking for humane, compassionate methods of training so positive reinforcement (reward-based training) using food is becoming more popular. 



Horses Behaving Badly? - 1 CPD point

Horses with behaviour problems often end up in rescue, pass through the hands of numerous owners, or are sold at auctions where they may be purchased for meat.  The horse's behaviour is also a commonly cited reason for people to seek emergency medical treatment each year. When owners and trainers have an understanding of both normal and 'abnormal' behavioural development in horses it can help mitigate such issues, while also improving horse welfare.



How to create a successful training plan - 1 CPD point

This course, from equine behaviour consultant and trainer Trudi Dempsey looks at how to create effective training plans, how to implement them successfully and how to stay motivated. 



How chronic pain affects horse behaviour - 1 CPD point

In this presentation equine veterinary behaviourist Roxane Kirton discusses the relationship between chronic pain and behaviour in the horse. She looks at some of the current research into pain expression and shares her approach to assessing chronic pain. She also presents one of her case studies involving a pony who displayed aggressive behaviour to both humans and horses.


This selection of online courses is provided by



Bookings & information

Modern studies of feral horses are focusing more on the affiliative relationships between band members. But, in domestic settings it can sometimes be difficult to parse out affiliative behaviours when restricted resources increase conflict.

In this presentation equine behaviour consultant and ethologist Samantha Couper shares her stunning films of the Onaqui wild horses in Utah. She examines the affiliative behaviours of wild horses, giving special attention to conflict and, more importantly, how is the conflict ended?

Cost: £19

1 CPD Point

Book here


Bookings & information

This unique course will help you develop the skills needed to train your horse to wait without frustration. No more turning your back to find your horse has crept up behind you or sneaked off to eat grass!

Equine behaviour consultants and trainers Trudi Dempsey and Sooz Foster present this course which includes video lessons,  downloads and training plans to help you train your horse to stand relaxed. 

Cost: £29

1 CPD Point

Book here


Bookings & information

The pressure on equestrians to be kinder in their training means that more and more are turning to reward-based training methods, but does training with food equal better outcomes for our equines?

In this presentation equine behaviourist and trainer Trudi Dempsey looks at the signs that indicate when a horse is having a hard time training with food. She discusses why these problems may occur and how they can be resolved, sharing her experience of creating better outcomes for horses and their trainers.

Do you think you can't train your horse with food? Do you struggle to understand why your horse ‘mugs’ you when you carry food no matter how careful your timing is? Trudi will show you techniques that answer these questions and more. 

Cost: £19

1 CPD Point

Book here

Impact of Nutrition on Equine Wellness, Performance and Recovery

Advanced insights into equine nutrition, essential for riding coaches, other equine professionals, and horse owners, crucial for maintaining horse welfare and optimising performance and recovery, making it vital knowledge for anyone working with horses. Identifying potential nutritional deficiencies early through behaviour, physical signs and performance, allows APC’s and other professionals to address potential health issues, ensuring horses remain healthy and capable. Nutrition also impacts riding lessons. An undernourished horse may be lethargic, while one with excess energy from improper feeding can become hyperactive, leading to unsafe situations. Well-nourished horses have better muscle condition and strength, reducing injury risk. Consistent energy levels, supported by proper nutrition, are essential for effective training. A well-fed horse is more alert, responsive, and capable of learning, resulting in more productive sessions for both rider and coach. APC’s often educate clients on horse care, a solid understanding of nutrition allows them to provide valuable advice, enhancing the overall client experience and building trust. Many horses suffer from incorrect diets, leading to performance issues, health problems, and shortened lifespans. This often stems from a lack of knowledge and confusion caused by misleading marketing. We provides evidence-based information to help professionals make informed dietary choices, avoiding common pitfalls such as over-supplementation. Featuring images from a recent dissection showing gastric ulcers and an intestinal tumour, with a comprehensive understanding of these issues. Upon completion, participants will have a solid grasp of equine nutrition, the digestive system, and the impact of dietary choices on a horse's performance and well-being. They will be equipped to recognise signs of both over-nourishment and under-nourishment, enabling them to make informed decisions or referrals for their clients when necessary.

1 CPD Point

£50 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Equine Massage for Horse Owners

For APCs and other BHS members, understanding equine manual therapy is invaluable for identifying tension, restrictions, and compensations that can impact a horse's movement and overall performance. Given their crucial role in horse welfare, APCs will observe horses in lessons and training sessions, making it essential for them to be able to recognise these issues and provide informed advice and appropriate referrals. This Equine Massage for Horse Owners course equips APCs and horse owners with practical, hands-on massage techniques. These skills are particularly beneficial for APCs that have their own riding school horses, enhancing their ability to maintain their horses' well-being. Additionally, the course offers an in-depth exploration of the skeletal and muscular structures, enriching the APC’s understanding of movement and the horse’s musculoskeletal system and what can go wrong and the presenting signs. Whether for APCs who have riding school horses or for individual horse owners, this course provides essential massage techniques for pre-competition preparation, post-competition recovery, and routine maintenance, ensuring the horse remains in peak condition.

1 CPD Point

£60 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Equine Musculoskeletal Health, Training, and Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Guide for Professional Riding Coaches

Booking Information 

This comprehensive course, structured across eight detailed chapters, offers an in-depth exploration of key topics, all delivered through video presentations. You'll gain expert knowledge from an anatomist, manual therapist, and specialist in training and
rehabilitation strategies. This course is a must for any professional riding
coach and APC. Summary of content: Importance of Understanding Musculoskeletal
Function and Health Fully understanding these systems is crucial for coaches
aiming to optimise their horses' training and prevent injuries. Signs and
Symptoms of Musculoskeletal Injuries and Pain: Recognise the early and often
subtle signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal injuries in horses and their causes
to help coaches prevent further injury and maintain the horse's health.
Assessing A Horse Through Movement: Thoroughly assess a horse’s movement,
posture, and symmetry and how coaches can address them. Lameness: An in-depth
examination of lameness in horses and its variations and how conformation and
sport horse injuries can lead to lameness with prevention and management
strategies. Preventative Measures with Correct Training Categories: It outlines
various training categories, from starting a horse to full rehabilitation
including a 100 page manual of exercises for coaches to use through all stages
of training, strength and conditioning and rehabilitation focussing on specifics
for body parts and rehabilitation. There is no other resource available like
this. The rest of the course provides strategies for coaches to develop
effective rehabilitation plans and correct supportive exercises. How to manage
discomfort in a horse during lessons and how to successfully collaborate to
improve musculoskeletal health, optimise training, and ensure the best possible
outcomes for horses. 

3 CPD Point

£120 per person


Comprehensive Equine Health Assessment for Professional Riding Coaches

Booking Information 

This course provides professional riding coaches with a holistic approach to equine health. Participants will acquire essential skills, including correctly palpating the horse’s muscles to assess for abnormalities and discomfort and also how to correctly take and know the ranges
of vital signs including temperature, pulse, respiration and more as these are clear indicators when something isn’t right. These skills are instrumental when evaluating the health and comfort of horses and can be used: before, during, and after coaching sessions, ensuring the highest standards of care for their clients' horses. It’s essential that you have these skills especially if a horse isn’t performing during a lesson, then the coach can assess it and depending on the health assessment outcomes, the lesson can be restructured or the horse can be referred to other professionals for ongoing care. This ensures a holistic and team approach to maximise health and wellbeing. This practical training is delivered through video presentations.

2 CPD Point

£40 per person


Empowering Equestrians with Saddle Assessment Skills

Saddle fit is a crucial, yet often overlooked, element of horse riding that significantly impacts a horse’s comfort and performance. APCs and other professionals, are often the first to identify issues with saddle fit or are consulted by clients for advice, so having an in-depth knowledge of saddle fitting is essential. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of equine back conformation and the principles of correct saddle fit. The participant will gain detailed knowledge of various saddle types, their components, and correct fit taking into account the horse's anatomy. The course also covers essential saddle fitting techniques, including how to accurately measure the horse to ensure a comfortable fit. This knowledge is vital for APCs, enabling them to recognise poor saddle fit, offer sound advice, and make necessary referrals. By the end of this course, the student will be equipped to confidently assess and address saddle fit issues, ensuring clients’ horses can move freely and perform at their best.

1 CPD Point

£50 per person

To book, please follow this link- 


Optimising Gut Health and Colic Prevention

This course offers essential knowledge on common digestive disorders, including ulcers and colic, that can significantly impact a horse's well-being and performance. For APCs and other BHS members, recognising the signs and symptoms of digestive disorders is crucial for providing timely advice and making appropriate referrals. This course empowers them with the ability to spot these issues early, with some tips on how to deal with a horse when in discomfort including acupressure work. Also covering the correct daily water intake a horse needs and advice on vital signs. The knowledge gained from this course helps to ensure that horses receive the care they need with digestive disorders that are far too common and responsible for many performance and wellbeing failings. Poor digestive health is a welfare concern that can be avoided with correct knowledge. This course equips the participant with the knowledge to confidently answer questions, provide sound advice, and enhance the overall care of horses.

1 CPD Point

£35 per person

To book, please follow this link- 


Optimum Management for Travelling Horses

Traveling is a common experience for most horses, making it essential for owners and APCs to understand best practices for ensuring equine safety and well-being on the road. This course provides critical information on how to safely travel with horses, including guidelines for providing water, food, and rest during the journey. It also addresses potential health conditions that can arise from frequent travel, including fatigue related to journey duration, which is a key consideration for APCs when advising clients who travel to lessons and to compete. A significant focus of the course is on the comfort and safety of horses during transport. It examines the impact of travel on the horse’s musculoskeletal system—specifically the neck, back, and limbs—highlighting how injuries can occur both externally and internally due to the horse bracing itself and the ground forces generated during transit. Scientific research is referred to in the training. For APCs, having up-to-date skills and knowledge about horse transportation is invaluable, particularly when advising clients on how to safely transport their horses. Whether dealing with horses arriving at a facility, during lessons, or when preparing for travel to competitions, expertise in these practices enhances horse welfare. The course offers comprehensive guidance on safe loading and unloading techniques, securing horses during transit, and maintaining their welfare throughout the journey. It also covers crucial aspects of transport maintenance, safety protocols, and biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of disease. It is not only invaluable for APC’s but anyone who transports a horse be it for pleasure reasons or commercially. By the end of this course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge to confidently advise on all aspects of horse travel, ensuring the highest standards of care and safety.

1 CPD Point

£35 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Natural Horse Health for Wellness: Harnessing the Power of Plants

This comprehensive course, written by a Master Herbologist, is designed to deepen participants understanding of the herbivore diet, with a specific focus on natural horse health. This course is an excellent learning opportunity for APCs, equipping them with the knowledge needed to provide informed advice to clients, particularly those interested in a natural approach to feeding their horses with herbs and plants. As the trend of keeping horses in a more natural state gains popularity, many individuals find themselves lacking the necessary knowledge to do so effectively and are regularly asking other professionals such as APC’s for advice. Throughout the course, participants will gain valuable insights into botanicals, Zoopharmacognosy, planting natural herb paddock areas and strategies of offering herbal compounds to horses, if the opportunity for horses to browse and self-select isn’t available due to grazing restrictions. Additionally, the course covers the effective use of natural compounds for maintaining musculature, promoting recovery after exercise, and the use of oils for hoof conditioning and gastric care. By the end of this course, participants will have the tools and knowledge to optimise horse care in a natural and holistic way. As with every course we offer a comprehensive video presentation and training manual.

1 CPD Point

£35 per person

To book, please follow this link- 


Equine Forensics - Investigating Through Dissection

This course is an invaluable resource for any equestrian, offering a deep understanding of equine anatomy and physiology while emphasising the critical importance of prioritising horse welfare. Participants will explore detailed images and accompanying discussions covering key aspects of equine biology, including the organs, intestines, vertebrae, musculature, skull structure, tissues, limbs, and joints. A unique case study further underscores the necessity of staying informed about the latest knowledge and research in the field. This case study demonstrates overwhelming results, showing a remarkable correlation between the dissection findings and the deceased horse’s presenting signs and performance—something that has never been documented before in such detail. By using dissection images and detailed commentary, the course explains how these anatomical features relate to equestrianism, highlighting key aspects of horse management. This resource is especially valuable for those who, for various reasons due to cost, sensitivity etc are unable to attend a live dissection but still want comprehensive content to reference and learn from. For Accredited Professional Coaches (APCs) who teach clients and work with horses, this in-depth understanding of equine structure significantly enhances their teaching practices. It enables them to better assess a horse's physical condition, performance and identify signs of discomfort more effectively, ultimately ensuring the well-being of the horses in their care.

1 CPD Point

£70 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation for Equestrians

This course offers a unique and holistic approach, combining yoga and mindfulness with the world of equestrianism. It is designed specifically for riders who are looking to enhance their physical and mental connection with their horses. Through this integration of body and mind, students will not only improve their riding skills but also deepen the bond they share with their horse. By having greater body awareness, riders can refine their posture, balance, and coordination, leading to more effective communication with their horses. Mental clarity and emotional balance, achieved through mindfulness practices, will empower students to approach each ride with a calm, focused mindset, reducing stress and enhancing performance. The course aims to transform the rider’s experience, promoting a more intuitive and responsive relationship with the horse, both on the ground and during riding. For APCs who teach clients, this course is an invaluable resource. It provides a deeper understanding of how rider movement and body mechanics influence the horse's performance, equipping coaches with the knowledge to guide their students more effectively. The course also emphasises the importance of off-the-horse exercises, which can be crucial in developing a rider’s strength, flexibility, and overall riding technique. These are shown with video footage for yoga by body area and a full routine specifically produced for equestrians and common areas of tension. Moreover, the integration of mindfulness into equestrian training is a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset when working with horses. Mindfulness practices help riders to stay present, manage anxiety, and approach challenges with calm and confidence—qualities that are essential for both teaching and riding. By mastering these techniques, APC’s can better support their clients in achieving their goals, while also enhancing their own experience with horses.

1 CPD Point

£60 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

The Full Extent of Equine Lameness

Offering an in-depth exploration of equine lameness, providing a thorough understanding of correct movement, the anatomy and physiology behind movement, and the critical skills needed to recognise lameness in horses. Designed for horse owners, APCs, and equine professionals, produced by leading equine manual therapists and veterinary content with immense experience of the subject matter, this course combines theoretical knowledge with practical tools, ensuring participants can effectively identify and address lameness issues. Detailed anatomical and physiological explanations of how horses really do move, supported by instructional videos that demonstrate foot placement and gait analysis in real-world scenarios. These resources offer invaluable insights into the nuances of equine movement, helping participants develop a keen eye for detecting abnormalities even the most subtle. The course goes beyond surface-level observation by offering an in-depth understanding of the underlying causes of lameness, including the crucial role that foot placement plays in a horse's overall movement and health. It includes a comprehensive checklist for observing and documenting lameness. This tool is essential for both horse owners and APCs, enabling them to accurately record observations and communicate effectively with veterinarians. The ability to provide detailed, structured information can significantly aid in diagnosing and treating lameness, ensuring that horses receive the appropriate care promptly. The course also emphasises the use of the Grimace Scale, a scientifically backed tool for assessing pain levels in horses. This scale is an invaluable resource for anyone working with horses, helping to identify signs of discomfort. By implementing the Grimace Scale, students will be better equipped to ensure the welfare of horses, catching issues before they escalate into more serious problems.

1 CPD Point

£50 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Paddock Management for Equestrian Use

Ensuring that horses graze in well-maintained and properly managed paddocks is crucial for their gut health, overall well-being, and performance. Unfortunately, many grazing areas are unsuitable for horses, leading to health issues, particularly digestive conditions. This not only impacts the horses but also places a significant burden on the owner. This course is vital for horse owners and equine professionals who are committed to providing the best possible environment for their horses. It is designed to empower livery yard owners, stable managers, and horse owners with the knowledge and skills needed to create and maintain paddocks that promote the health and wellbeing of their horses. Livery yard owners, in particular, will benefit greatly from this course. Proper paddock management ensures that fields remain sustainable and resilient, even in challenging weather conditions. By adopting the practices taught in this course, yard owners can significantly reduce the need to keep horses confined to stables during the winter months due to waterlogged, overgrazed fields. This not only enhances the horses' quality of life but also supports their physical and mental well-being. Key areas of focus include routine checks, the equine microbiome, types of grass, fertilisation, minimum land requirements, multi-species grazing and sustainable paddock management practices that support the long-term health and safety of horses. Whether the student is managing a small private paddock or overseeing a large equine facility, this course will provide them with the expertise needed to make informed decisions that benefit both the horses and the land they graze on. This course is not just about managing paddocks; it takes a holistic view of equine health from the ground up.

1 CPD Point

£35 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Equine Conformation, Biomechanics and Beyond

Rather than focusing just on ideal conformation, the course delves deep with an emphasis on functional conformation—recognising that while a horse may not have perfect conformation, it must be fit for its intended purpose. By aligning a horse's conformation with the appropriate discipline, the risk of injury and discomfort can be significantly reduced, ensuring a more sustainable and comfortable career for the horse. For APCs, this knowledge is invaluable as they are often called upon to assist potential owners in assessing a horse’s suitability, making a thorough understanding of conformation essential. This course equips participants with the ability to evaluate not just the ideals of conformation, but how specific conformational traits can influence a horse’s risk of injury, areas prone to tension, and overall biomechanics. Through detailed manuals and veterinary produced images, the course explores how different conformational areas have positives and negatives within equestrian disciplines. This course covers biomechanics in great detail, enabling coaches to develop tailored training and conditioning plans that work with the horse's physical capabilities. Focus on muscle equilibrium and its impact on biomechanics, provides essential insights that will help APCs optimise their training strategies to maintain or improve the horse's performance and well-being. Participants will learn to identify correct posture as well as postural indicators of pain and discomfort, a skill important for ensuring the horse's health and well-being. Recognising and addressing these issues promptly can prevent further complications, promoting a positive and productive partnership between horse and rider. This course is unlike any traditional conformation course, its is far reaching with a key focus on enhanced equine welfare and longevity in horses.

1 CPD Point

£50 per person

To book, please follow this link- 

Advanced Myofascial Release and Kinetic Chains

Bookings & information

Time: 2 - 3 hours delivery Format

COST - £70

Book here

Equine Myofascial Decompressions (Cupping)

Bookings & information

Time: 1 - 2 hours delivery Format

COST - £70

Book here

Equine Craniosacral Therapy

Bookings & information

Time: 2 - 3 hours delivery Format

COST - £70

Book here

Equine Tension Point Release (TPR)

Bookings & information

Time: 1 - 2 hours delivery Format

COST - £30

Book here

Equine Rocking Therapy

Bookings & information

Time: 1 - 2 hours delivery Format

COST - £35

Book here

Equine Alternative Therapies (Meridians and Acupressure)

Bookings & information

Time: 2 - 3 hours delivery Format

COST - £70

Book here

How can NLP help me?

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

Discuss the basics behind NLP as well as providing practical tips on how to use it in your everyday Equestrian life allowing you to get more of the results you want.

> This Course provides explanations of the Foundations of NLP and looks into how simply understanding the methodology can help us to look at things in a different way and get more of the results we want.

> It also provides practical Equine examples from an NLP perspective.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module you will be able to:
> Explain what NLP stands for and describe what each of these terms mean.
> Describe what a Frame of NLP is and recall some examples.
> Define what an NLP Presupposition is and discuss some examples including those relating specifically to Human Behaviour.
> Identify why Human Beliefs have such an effect on how our mind works.
> Explore the main issues as to why Equestrians lack confidence.
> Explore the basic practical application of differences between the Conscious and Unconscious mind.
> Discuss potential solutions for Equestrians lacking confidence.
> Define elements which could contribute to a more productive and useful mindset.
> Explore techniques to help slow down your thoughts.
> Practice a simple Breathing Exercise.
> Develop strategies to allow you to become more body aware.

Price- £10 or £8 for APCs

1 CPD Point

To book- 

An Introduction the Unconscious Mind for Equestrians.

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

Develop a basic understanding of the Unconscious Mind particularly in relation to your Equestrian Life. You will understand how this can help us communicate with ourselves and others better.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module you will be able to:
> Compare the differences between the Conscious and Unconscious mind.
> Describe the basic functions of the Unconscious mind.
> Identify how to communicate effectively with your Unconscious mind.
> Describe how all habits are created and maintained.
> Summarize the process of a Habit moving from the Conscious to Unconscious mind as it's being formed.
> Define how memories and emotions are stored in the Unconscious mind.
> Describe how memories containing unresolved negative emotions can be re - presented for resolution by the Unconscious mind and the effects this might have depending on timing.
> Discuss strategies to cope with these memories being re - presented.
> Discuss why the Unconscious mind responds so well to metaphors.
> Recall common Belief cycles Equestrians get stuck in.
> Explain how our minds can run on autopilot.
> Complete an Exercise designed to make you more conscious of your Unconscious mind.


Price- £10 or £8 for APCs

1 CPD Point

Book here- 


How could understanding my horse better help to improve my confidence?

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

>Be more mindful of how by understanding our horses better we can understand ourselves better and more easily address any confidence issues.

> Develop greater awareness of rider tension and how our tension effects our horse. 

Learning Outcomes:

> Discuss the relationship we have with our horses and how this could be improved including practical examples.

> Recognize why horse's make such good therapists.

> Identify some of the life skills we can develop by being around our horses.

> Outline strategies to help improve you and your horse's confidence.

1 CPD Point

Price- £10 or £8 for APCs

To book-