Frequently Asked Questions
How do I renew my membership?
Thank you for continuing to support the great work we do for every horse and rider.
- If you pay by Direct Debit, you will be notified before your renewal date, receive your membership card, then your membership will automatically renew
- If you pay by Direct Debit and would like to make changes to your membership, please call our Membership team
- If you don’t pay by Direct Debit, you will receive a renewal letter prior to your renewal date
What if I want to cancel my Direct Debit?
If you would like to cancel or amend your direct debit, please contact the membership team. Please note this is an annual policy and your membership runs for 12 months, the charity is unable to give refunds outside of the 14 day cooling off period or if you decide to cancel partway through the year.
What if I pay my membership a little late?
It’s important to pay your membership on time to ensure your member benefits, such as insurance, don’t lapse. The easiest and safest way to keep on top of your payments is by direct debit (UK bank accounts). You may still receive British Horse and our E-news for up to one month after a payment has not been received whilst we try to get in contact with you.
When will I receive my card?
Your BHS membership card is now digital.
We're making your membership card more user-friendly. Your new digital membership card will be sent to you via email now, rather than post. Simply pop it into your digital wallet on your mobile phone (Google Wallet or Apple Wallet) to easily access it when you need it to check your insurance expiry date, use it to prove your insurance, or when you need your membership number to access all of your benefits.
Making our membership cards digital helps to reduce our environmental impact of card printing and postage, as well as minimising our admin costs, resulting in more money being spent on our charitable objectives.
What if I have lost my membership card?
Your BHS membership card is now digital.
We're making your membership card more user-friendly. Your new digital membership card will be sent to you via email now, rather than post. Simply pop it into your digital wallet on your mobile phone (Google Wallet or Apple Wallet) to easily access it when you need it to check your insurance expiry date, use it to prove your insurance, or when you need your membership number to access all of your benefits.
Making our membership cards digital helps to reduce our environmental impact of card printing and postage, as well as minimising our admin costs, resulting in more money being spent on our charitable objectives.
When do I have to pay the adult membership fee?
Your subscription changes from a BHS Gold Junior to Adult after your 21st birthday. We’ll amend the subscription for you on your renewal.
Can I add a family member to my membership before my renewal is due?
Yes, you can amend your membership subscription at any point during the year and add family members. When we regrade a membership, we will set up your new membership for a full year (giving you a discount for any remaining months left on your current membership).
If I cancel my membership before the end of the year, do I get a refund?
We’re sorry to hear you may wish to cancel your membership. BHS membership runs for a year and the charity is unable to give refunds if you decide to cancel partway through the year. We hope as a horse lover you would be happy to still support the charity for the remainder of the year.
How do I change my Direct Debit details?
You can do so by calling 02476 840506 and speaking to our friendly membership team.
I need a membership number to apply for my assessment. What should I do?
Your membership number will be provided on completion of the joining process, whether you join online or over the phone.
Our membership options
We offer a range of membership options to suit every horse lover. All of our membership options support our charitable work and help us in our quest to create a better life for all horses and those who care for them.

Further information
Get in touch with us
To speak to our team about membership, please call us on 02476 840506, email us at or complete our online enquiry form and one of our team will get back to you shortly. Opening times are 8:35am-5pm from Monday to Thursday and 8:35am-3pm on Friday.

Become a BHS member
You can help us continue our vital work to build a better life for horses, riders and all who care for them by becoming a BHS member. We offer a range of different membership options that include a variety of amazing membership benefits to help you enjoy your life with horses.