Gift Aid is a scheme that enables us to reclaim basic tax rate on your membership subscriptions and donations. The cost is covered by UK tax paid by the donor and collected from HM Revenue and Customs so you don’t pay a single penny more but the value of your donation increases. We can claim 25p for every £1 in membership fees or donations.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Gift Aid help the BHS?
The additional money will go towards our charitable work, helping us to improve education, welfare, safety for every horse and rider and access to off-road riding.
What is a Gift Aid declaration?
It is simply a statement by an individual UK taxpayer to say that they have paid the basic rate of tax and they agree to the Charity reclaiming the tax paid on their donation from HM Revenue and Customs.
Have the BHS called me regarding Gift Aid?
QTS, Quality Telephone Service are calling members on behalf of The British Horse Society as part of our gift aid scheme and do so from do so from 07458122818. If a member would like to Gift Aid their membership and donate to us or would prefer not to be contacted again, please contact the membership team and we'll be able to assist. Call us on 02476 840506 or email
Am I eligible to make a Gift Aid declaration?
To qualify for Gift Aid, you must be a UK tax payer. You need to pay the same amount or more of UK income tax and/or Capital Gains Tax as all charities and community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) will claim on your gifts in a tax year. If you pay less, it will be your responsibility to pay any difference.
How do I know if I pay UK income or capital gains tax?
You pay these taxes if:
- Income tax is taken from your wages or salary before you receive your pay
- You pay tax after filling in a self-assessment form each year
- You have any taxable savings (in a Building Society, for instance), or a pension plan, or investment income
- You have paid any capital gains tax, on the sale of a property or some shares, for example.
Your employer will provide you with a P60 form every year, which details how much tax you have paid. Inheritance tax, council tax and VAT do not count as income or capital gains tax.
How will I know if I pay income tax on my pension?
As a pensioner you will receive a P60 form each year. Keep this safe, as it will show any tax deductions.
How long does the declaration last?
To simplify matters for both you and the BHS, the declaration wording covers past, present, and future donations. We can back-claim four years and we will continue to claim until you tell us otherwise, so long as you are eligible.
I don’t pay tax but my partner does, are we eligible?
If you have joint or family BHS membership and your partner pays tax then he/she can tick the Gift Aid box, provided that the membership is paid either from your partner’s account or from a jointly held or named account (i.e. the payment is from the ‘Gift Aider’).
Will Gift Aid cost me anything?
Gift Aid doesn’t cost you a penny - ticking the box just means that we can reclaim the tax on your membership subscriptions and donations, if you are a UK taxpayer, directly from HMRC. Remember though, if you pay less tax than charities and community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) will claim on your gifts in a tax year, it will be your responsibility to pay any difference.
I may have already made a Gift Aid declaration to another charity. Does this mean I can’t tick the box again, or don’t need to?
No. Ticking one box only means that particular charity can reclaim the tax on your donations. It’s important to tick a box for each charity that you want to claim Gift Aid.
Is it worthwhile as I only give the minimal subscription?
Every penny counts! We can reclaim 25 pence in every pound. On a £85 subscription we can claim £21.25
I’ve already made a Gift Aid declaration to the BHS. Do I need to tick the box again?
Not unless we ask you to. All your donations and membership subscriptions are covered with one declaration.
If I have a Gift Aid declaration, what should I do if my tax situation changes and I no longer pay UK income or capital gains tax?
If you no longer pay sufficient UK income or capital gains tax, please contact our membership team ( 02476 840506) and we will stop claiming Gift Aid on your membership subscriptions and /or donations. It’s also important to notify us if your name or address changes.
I am a self-assessment tax payer and I pay tax at the higher rate of 40 per cent. How can I give part or all of my tax repayment to the BHS?
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
I live in the Isle of Man and Channel Islands – can I still claim Gift Aid?
The Channel Islands have different tax jurisdictions. UK Gift Aid does not apply to the Isle of Man and Channel Islands. However, if you pay UK tax, we are able to claim the Gift Aid. You do not have to be resident in the UK, you just have to pay enough UK tax to cover the gift aided amount.
Become a member
Join us as a BHS Member and become a part of the largest equestrian community in the UK. Membership gives a huge range of benefits to help you enjoy your life with horses. But more than that, membership is vital for helping us raise funds needed to improve access, safety, welfare and education for all.

Donate to The British Horse Society
By donating you can help to make a difference to the future of horses and those who care about them, including the 3.5 million people in the UK who ride or who drive a horse-drawn carriage. With your support we are able to continue our vital work protecting and promoting equine interests.