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Zara Myers

Zara is an approachable coach who focuses on delivering on your goals whether big or small. She can adjust her coaching style to match how you learn and the best way to get results for you and your horse.


  • BHS Stage 3 Coach or equivalent

Get in touch

Location details

Bigland Hall, Brow Edge Rd, Ulverston LA12 8PB, UK

About me

Zara has a passion for the development of people as well as horses. She is currently studying for a psychology degree. This gives her a wide range of skills and knowledge to be one of the best coaches in the area.

Her background is primarily in dressage having competed at the advanced level working through the young riders scheme and representing the England team at the home international. She has also competed in teams at the nationals for showjumping and cross country with her pony club, then riding club.

Her passion is working with horses that have had a difficult background or are challenging to work with. She brought on her own horses in this way to compete at the national levels.

The client range that Zara has is vast but they all have one thing in common, they do what is best for the horse.

If you are interested in improving your horse riding to benefit the horse in any discipline, then please get in touch.

Based at Cumbria Rural Academy CIC, Ulverston, LA12 8PB