star Performance Coach BHSI
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About Me
My principles are guided by the fact that horses are rarely happier than when they know exactly what is expected of them. I believe initial groundwork helps human and horse understand both the pressure-release and reward based techniques I use.
You will learn how to help your horse relax, soften and find the right mindset. You will become mindful of how horses learn new things - no matter what the level you are working at, or what your goal or discipline might be.
Most sessions involve some work on rider position and its place in the development of feel, timing and helping your horse stay in good posture and balance.
This lays the foundations, for anyone wishing to forge a truly great partnership, whether on the flat or over fences. Time and commitment are essential.
As a lifelong learner myself, with a specialist interest in equine behaviour, I follow an eclectic mix of horsemen and women who have honed my skills and continue to influence my progress; from Andrew McLean (Equitation Science), Thomas and Shana Ritter (Ritter Dressage) through to Marijke de Jong (Straightness Training) and Warwick Schiller (Attuned Horsemanship).
Whether you are starter level or advanced, plan to build on your strengths, solve weaknesses or difficulties and set you and your horse up for whatever your version of success might be.