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Northants Bridleways Group

Northants Bridleways Group - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group

How to apply

Email Northants Bridleways Group

Location details

Northamptonshire, UK

About Northants Bridleways Group

Northants Bridleways Group are a British Horse Society affiliated equestrian access group aimed specifically at promoting, preserving, and where possible improving/increasing safer access to bridleway networks in Northamptonshire.

Northants Bridleways Group aims are as follows:

  • Work alongside BHS and Highways to help promote, preserve, maintain and where possible improve safer access to bridleways.
  • Provide support to the local riding community in terms of reporting problems and resolution of issues pertinent to bridleway use and road safety. Speak up for the horse riding community where necessary.
  • Provide a social platform for riders to interact and be able to support each other e.g., arrange to meet up for hacks, arrange social events. Also to share information regarding bridleway routes, repairs, hazards. and report problems etc.
  • Promote, update and put together some interesting riding routes in Northamptonshire which potentially horse riders could travel to if they wish.
  • Encourage mutual co-operation between local riders, landowners and other relevant access groups e.g., Ramblers, and cyclists.
  • Look for opportunities to enhance safer off-road access where possible, as well as safeguard any threats to bridleway access e.g., due to future development.
  • Carryout research regarding ancient routes that were wrongly designated or unrecorded on the definitive map created in 1949 = Project 2026.

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