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Hallam Riders Group

Hallam Riders Group - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group

How to apply

Email Hallam Riders Group

Location details

South Yorkshire, UK

About Hallam Riders Group

Hallam Riders Group (HRG) aim to keep and promote bridleways, and safe equestrian access more generally.

Hallam Riders Group meets monthly, to raise and discuss issues affecting this. The group liaise with the local authority, landowners and other volunteer groups to assist in clearing and maintaining existing routes. This includes litter picking, pruning back overgrown foliage, contributing the installation of horse hops and bridle gates.

HRG actively researches and campaigns the opening of new routes, and the reinstating of lost or misdescribed routes, for equestrian use and safety. They are inclusive, and supportive of the benefits to other vulnerable-users, too.

HRG raise funds towards these activities (also towards BHS Ride Out) through a variety of means: hosting tea parties, duck races, barbeques, sponsored rides, pub quizzes and member donations.

HRG welcome all participation and suggestions to support these aims.

You can follow Hallam Riders Group on Facebook to find out more. 

Area covered: Hallamshire, South Yorkshire