The evening was a huge success with a great turnout, and there were lots of questions for Charlotte - the BHS Access Field Officer North and North West - to answer. The riders were able to discuss routes they would like to ride in future and where they feel improved access could help them create safe and enjoyable riding routes.
This information is being used to help create a map for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority showing these proposed routes and areas that require improved access that can then be used to create new bridleways/byways/multiuser routes on the ground. Creating a list of proposed, desired routes means that when new developments are proposed, these routes can be considered and protected to improve local access.
A representative from Knowsley Council also attended the meeting and was very positive about collaborating with the BHS to improve access for riders and other vulnerable road users.
This event was also held to help fight a threat posed to access across England and Wales introduced by changes to the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000. The changes meant that many historic routes used by horse riders and carriage drivers in England and Wales would be lost on 1 January 2026 if they hadn’t been formally recorded. The government announced that they intended to abolish this deadline, however this law still poses a risk, and it is therefore vital that we take action to record historic routes and ensure they are protected in future.
The BHS has launched Project 2026 to help preserve these routes for generations to come. Find out how you can get involved with the campaign.
You can also learn more about how to report obstructions to access in your area.