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Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association (PBBA)

Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association (PBBA) - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group

How to apply

Email Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association

Location details

Wales, UK

About Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association (PBBA)

The Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association (PBBA) was formed by local riders in the north & south of Pembrokeshire to help maintain and develop an accessible network for riders and horse drivers. PBBA amalgamated in 2000 to form the association, supporting access for the whole county.

Pembrokeshire Bridleways & Byways Association hold social events, walks and small companionable rides for our members, and twice a year have an official fun ride so that every one gets the opportunity to ride with friends in a new area. PBBA are very mindful of the need to enjoy safe access to the countryside for many reasons, not least of which are the benefits to our rural community who have become increasingly isolated by the modern world.

Area covered: Pembrokeshire