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Mid Sussex Area Bridleways Group

Mid Sussex Area Bridleways Group - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group

How to apply

Location details

Mid Sussex District, UK

Mid Sussex Area Bridleways Group

Mid Sussex Area Bridleways Group work on route clearances in Mid Sussex and surrounding area. The group check when informed about a bridleway that is un-rideable, and report to West Sussex County Council Rights of Way Department. The group have also contributed towards costs of fencing a new bridleway way, Egrets Way in Lewes. The group organise a coach outing to Knightsbridge barracks, and cook a two-course supper for members at their AGM.

To get in touch with Mid Sussex Area Bridleways Group, please email the BHS Access Team for your details to be forwarded to the group. 

Area covered: Mid Sussex