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Border Bridleways Association

Border Bridleways Association - a BHS Affiliated Equestrian Access Group 

How to apply

Email Kristine Pemberton of Border Bridleways Association

Location details

Cheshire, UK

About Border Bridleways Association (BBA)

Border Bridleways Association (BBA) aim to preserve, promote and safeguard, and occasionally, open routes in the East Cheshire / Staffordshire area.

As a by-product of the original intent, it was found that funds were needed to assist in financing improvements – something which is even more of an issue nowadays, as Councils have little money to spend on rights of way at this time. Border Bridleways Association, therefore, began to run social and equestrian events to raise funds.

Find out more on the Border Bridleways Association website

Want to get involved? Email Kristine Pemberton 

Area covered: Cheshire & Staffordshire