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Equestrian Safety Adviser

  • Last reviewed: 15th April 2024

Are you?

  • Passionate about helping people stay safe when they are out and about on their horse?
  • A skilled communicator, able to educate and inform while keeping it light and interesting?
  • A curious learner, interested to find out more about all things safety?

As the amount and size of transport on roads grows it presents more and more of a danger to vulnerable road users, but off road there are challenges too: off-road routes are used by a wide variety of users, many of whom don't understand horses or their needs. Horses also face other human-made challenges that they struggle to cope with, fireworks, helicopters and more recently, drones. 

As a Volunteer Equestrian Safety Adviser you will work with your local committee to put on awareness raising events, incorporate safety messages into local communications and events, inform and promote the Ride Safe Award; helping people keep themselves and their horses safe.

We will provide you with materials and information to help you learn about safety and develop your knowledge in the field. 

Interested in becoming a BHS volunteer?

If you want to join our growing volunteers community and help to make a difference to horses and equestrians in your local area, please submit an your details via our application by following the link below:

Apply here
Volunteer Image Expires April 2026