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Scheduled Online CPD Courses

  • Last reviewed: 8th May 2024
Calendar 1990453 640 Calendar 1990453 640

Live webinars and training to improve your knowledge and understanding.

Online scheduled CPD courses

Woodlands Training - Sarah Simpson - Various Courses

All courses start at 7pm count as 2 CPD points

For more information please visit Woodlands Training

10 Jan - BHS Stage 4 Business Management Session 1 of 4

11 Jan - Coaching Dressage

17 Jan - BHS Stage 4 Business Management Session 2 of 4

18 Jan - Coaching SJ

23 Jan - BHS Stage 4 Business Management Session 3 of 4

31 Jan - Grassland Management Session 4 of 4

1 Feb - Coaching XC 

8 Feb - Breeding

13 Feb - BHS Stage 4 Coach Lesson Plans (Dressage and Lunge)

15 Feb - 'Why That Mark' Debbie Jones Grand Prix Dressage Judge

20 Feb - BHS Stage 4 Coach Lesson Plans (SJ and XC)

21 Feb - BHS Stage 3 Coach Lesson Plans 

22 Feb - Foal to 4 Years Backing to Basics

28 Feb - Lungeing and Long Reining 

7 Mar - Conformation

14 Mar - Bones, Muscles, Tendons and Ligament

9 Apr - Skin Diseases

11 Apr - Modern Diagnostic Techniques

16 Apr - Modern Saddlery

18 Apr - Equine Nutrition

23 Apr - Bits and Biting

25 Apr - Getting Horses Fit (3 points)

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Dressage Ringcraft Training for Trainers various dates

These interactive webinars will be particularly useful to Stage 3 and 4 candidates as we will look at the movements from Intro to elementary.

During the Zoom we will cover …

- exactly what the Dressage Judge needs to see in a variety of movements

- breaking down training, warm up and test riding for individual types

- how the Scales of training marry up and reflect scores

- clear definitions

- the new dressage tests and what this means for us as trainers

- an opportunity to ask well established List 3a and FEI judge (Alex Gingell) anything you like! 

25th Mar 1pm-5pm Book Now

8th Apr 1pm-5pm Book Now 

Coach Development: Creating Impact 2 April

7pm - 9pm | 6 CPD points 


Cost - £75

An 8 part programme of inspiring, educational and informative webinars, delivered by world class experts in their field, designed for coaches that want to maximise their impact on riders and the sport. 


The art of coaching goes far beyond teaching somebody the technical skills to ride, it is about getting the most out of every rider you work with, regardless of level, experience, or talent. 

A truly great coach can turn any rider from average to excellent, but it must be executed in a thoughtful, confidence instillingbuilding block approach; led by a holistic outlook and delivered with excellence


Tuesday 2nd April 7pm

  • Creating Culture: Richard Waygood 

The culture you create as a coach will be the most important thing you ever do, because culture dictates everything else. What culture do you want to create? Richard will share his incredible story of how he gets the best out of every athlete, leading to countless European and Olympic medals. 


Tuesday 9th April 7pm

  • Creating a System: Caroline Moore

The sign of a great coach is how good their riders are when they not with them, meaning you must coach in a systematic, repeatable way that riders can understand and replicate on their own. We will explore Caroline’s system, and how her methodical approach has led to creating champions at every level, right through to the World games. 


Tuesday 16th April 7pm

  • Creating a Brand: Beata Kaminska

Living in a technology led generation, there is no avoiding that you can be the best coach in the world, but if nobody knows about you, you will be left behind. Beata will help you succeed at social media, marketing and branding to reach the riders you want to work with. 


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Reading the Horse 8 April

90 day access from 8th | 6 CPD points  | £60

We will look at what facial expression, posture and behaviour can tell us about how the horse is feeling. Each Monday I will release a new video lesson, followed on Wednesday by a video exercise for you to have a go at, with the answers released on Thursday. Questions can be emailed in for a recorded Q&A session released on Friday. Course lasts 4 weeks with access to all lessons for 90 days from the start date.

Why does it matter whether or not we can read the horse? Discover how the ability to read the horse is fundamental to good horse welfare. How can we identify signs of stress or signs of positive mental state if we can't recognise how each individual horse is feeling.

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Harmonious horsemanship - 10th April 2024

6.30pm - 8:30pm | 2 CPD point  

Cost £10.00

The Ridden Horse Performance Checklist, otherwise known as the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram, comprises a list of 24 behaviours, the majority of which are at least ten times more likely to be seen in a horse with musculoskeletal discomfort compared with a pain-free horse. While there are several reasons why each individual behaviour may be shown, a total score of eight or more out of 24 is likely to signify the presence of musculoskeletal pain. We will discuss how to apply the checklist, how it can be used as a monitoring tool to reassure you that your horse is fine and how low-grade discomfort can influence performance, trainability, rideability, your comfort as a rider, your position and safety. Select the horse most likely to fulfil your wish list: use the checklist before you buy a horse. Differentiate between a training glitch and other reasons for failing to progress as expected. We want to promote harmonious horsemanship and optimise the potential of horses to perform at their best for as long as possible.

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Waterloo Farm Stage 4 Coaching Training Day 10 April
Coaching Riders on the Lunge for stage 2 & 4 assessments - 11th April 2024

7pm - 9pm | 2 CPD point  

Cost £5.00

It’s no coincidence that lungeing appears at every level of the BHS Pathways, yet candidates frequently appear unprepared for this vital component of the assessment.

Carole Broad FBHS and Danny Anholt FBHS are both experienced assessors and trainers at all the levels.

They will present two simple guides to effective performance, firstly for lunge technique and secondly lunge teaching, to enable prospective candidates to prepare more effectively for successful outcomes.

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Fitness training for Badminton, Grassroots and 5* - 15th April

7pm - 8.30pm | 2 CPD points  | 

his learning outcome purely assesses your interpersonal skills, your body language, eye contact, active listening skills, negotiation and decision-making skills. Are you articulate and forthcoming and able to deliver a reasoned argument? The session is a series of group debates around given subjects, feedback is given on your present competences and areas for development. You may observe or take part as you wish.
This is the third of four linked sessions covering the BHS Stage 4 Business Management Qualification. We will be debating the four subjects set by the BHS

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BHS Stage 4 Business Management Interpersonal Skills Session 3 of 4 17 April

7pm - 9pm | 2 CPD points  | £22

his learning outcome purely assesses your interpersonal skills, your body language, eye contact, active listening skills, negotiation and decision-making skills. Are you articulate and forthcoming and able to deliver a reasoned argument? The session is a series of group debates around given subjects, feedback is given on your present competences and areas for development. You may observe or take part as you wish.
This is the third of four linked sessions covering the BHS Stage 4 Business Management Qualification. We will be debating the four subjects set by the BHS

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Learning about the new dressage tests from the judge's and the rider's point of view - 17th April 2024

7:30pm - 8:30pm | 2 CPD points  | £21

We’ll be talking about the new
tests and how to maximise your marks when riding them. Whilst watching the BD
videos, we'll have a running commentary from former judge Tessa Thorne with
plenty of opportunity for questions. Trying to encourage more riders to have a
go at dressage, starting with Intro and Prelim tests, then going up the levels
over time. Promoting the tests to grass root riders, pointing out that dressage
is for everyone. Making the new tests accessible to grass roots riders. Learning
how to ride a test with correct preparation and without stress. Championing
correct riding.

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London Grassland Management Session 4 Business Management 24 April

7pm - 8:30pm | 5 CPD points  | £150


For everyone. Most useful for those wanting to take BHS stage 2 or 3 coaching and anyone going through UK CC. 5 CPD Points for BHS Accredited Professional Coaches (APC)

June 3, 10, 17, 24 ONLINE 7:00pm - 8:30pm GMT

This interactive online program will immerse you in The Happy Brain Accelerated Coaching approach where the results will speak for themselves as you experience the transformation of sticky and tricky lessons, into smooth super-coaching.

Not least, you’ll infuse your new lessons with enhanced:

Clarity: in organising learning content that will leave your riders excited for more. Including planning, delivery, and evaluation of your lessons.

Communication: through easy processes of accelerate learning AND progression using both conscious and un-conscious methods, adjusting your coaching practice to suit and encourageing lifelong learning for all.

Confidence: to better manage wayward emotions, both yours AND those of your riders by recognising the needs of your rider, their horse and yourself.

Whether you're new to coaching, preparing for British Horse Society Assessments, or you are an experienced coach, if you want to become a leader in your field then this program of coaching excellence is for you.


Small group (12 places) and focused in real experiences, you will also have access to the recordings. Certificate of Attendance for live attendance - min 3 out of 4.

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Important Trunk Transitions - 19th April

3:30pm - 8:30pm | 3 CPD point  

Cost £85

In this live online course, world-renowned equine fascia anatomist, Dr Vibeke Elbrønd, will look at the fascia, myofascial integrations, functionality and dysfunction of some of the important transitions of the trunk and spine. Focusing in detail on the cervicothoracic junction, the cranial thoracic aperture, the thoracolumbar junction, the thoracic cavity, the diaphragm and the lumbosacral region. Vibeke will discuss the diagnostics, assessment and treatment of problems in these areas. 

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Why Rider Size is Important - 22nd April

7pm - 9pm |  2 CPD point  

Cost £10

This presentation is based on current scientific evidence
and will explain WHY rider size is important. Discussion will be focused on
issues relevant to the welfare and performance of the ridden horse. We will
discuss what a weight ratio is, the effects of overloading (biomechanical,
physiological, behavioral), optimal weights for performance and welfare, the 21
factors that should be considered when calculating suitability of a horse and
rider combination, and we will look at a scoring system that can help you
calculate optimal equine performance. We will also consider the topic in the
context of the current climate in the equine industry, where there is growing
awareness and unease surrounding public acceptance of our use of horses in
sport. Finally, we will consider the effects of overloading and the 24
indicators of the ridden horse in pain, along with other red flags that can
alert you to potential problems before they become irreversible issues. After
listening to this presentation, we promise that you will never look at a horse
and rider combination in the same way again

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From the ground up - the biomechanics and function of the equine hoof - April 24th 2024

7pm - 8:30pm | 1 CPD point  | £6

Liz and Richard discuss the anatomy of the
equine hoof and its impact on the horse above it. Can hoof conformation
exacerbate or mitigate soft tissue injury such as PSD? Can the farrier help
alleviate pain from bony changes eg arthritis? How much difference can 1mm in
toe length really make? What are the warning signs – If any, that coach or rider
might be able to pick up on before something goes wrong?

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Showjumping - training for success with Ernest Dillon FBHS - 24th April 24

7pm - 8;30pm | 1 CPD point  

Cost £20.00

Join us to learn about the essential training principles and techniques that lay the foundation for successful Showjumping performances. We would love the evening to be interactive and welcome your questions.

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What do we know about equine sleep? - 25th April 2024

7pm - 9 pm | 1 CPD point  | £5


What do we know about equine sleep? by Dr Sebastian McBride BSc. (Hons), PhD.

“Dr Sebastian McBride is a Liverpool (BSc.) and Edinburgh (PhD.) graduate who first took up a lectureship position at Aberystwyth in 1996 in what was the Institute of Rural Sciences. He left the Institute in 2005 to extend his research interests in cognitive robotics in the Department of Computer Science (Aberystwyth) and then cognitive neuroscience at the University of Cambridge. He has returned to Aberystwyth University in 2016 to take up an appointment as lecturer in Biosciences.”

A basic overview of aims and objectives:

o Defining normal equine sleep
o Sleep in horses compared to other species
o The function of sleep
o How to measure equine sleep
o Factors affecting sleep of the domestic horse; what we know and what we don’t know

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Confidence - how do our past experiences impact our communication with our horses? - April 26th 2024


1 CPD point 

This is the first in a series 'A trainer's eye' in which Liz
chats to professionals that she finds interesting and informative in relation
her coaching. In this webinar she discusses with Debbie the physiology of nerves
and fear and, how to get our brains working for us not against us. Why is
measured breathing so effective and, how as a coach can she help her clients
overcome more deeply seated often irrational fears. Note: webinars are
advertised as 1 hour but we always find we need to extend them to 1 1/2 hours.
This series was put together for horse owners but, several coaches have watched
the webinars and we have been asked if they are eligible for CPD. Currently we
do not offer certificates but would consider doing so should the webinars be
approved for BHS coaches.

Cost - £6



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7pm - 8:30pm | 2 CPD points 

Understand Horses presents a webinar with equine behaviour consultant Justine
Harrison on improving a horse's quality of life when stabled or on box rest. In
this webinar equine behaviour consultant Justine Harrison will look at stable
management, offering invaluable insights and practical tips to enhance the
well-being of your horse when stabling is necessary. You will learn about:
Natural horse behaviour The horse’s basic behavioural needs How stabling can
impact the horse’s mental and physical wellbeing Strategies to reduce equine
stress when stabled How to enrich your horse’s stable environment Tips for
managing a horse on prolonged box rest

Cost - £15



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Webinar New Dressage Tests CPD Course - May 14th 2024

7:30pm - 9:30pm | 2 CPD points 


Learn about the new BD tests from the judge’s and the rider’s point of view.
Maximise your marks and improve your test riding skills. Find out what’s required with an opportunity to ask questions!
In this webinar we'll be looking at Prelim and Novice tests.


Bring a cup of tea or your favourite drink. Join us from the comfort of your home for this exciting webinar.
Former judge Tessa Thorne will talk us through some videos of the new tests and what to look out for.

Cost - £21


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7pm - 8:30pm | 1 CPD point  

A deep dive into the influence of the
saddle on horse and rider, with reference to whole horse and targeted area
dissection. What signs should the rider and trainer be aware of that indicates
the horse is uncomfortable? The basic rules of saddle fit to the static horse,
and the less obvious considerations The trapezius muscle and ligaments, why are
they relevant to saddle fit? Identifying crookedness and achieving symmetry What
happens when the rider is on board and the horse is moving? Rider symmetry and
balance Stiffness and pain in joints and the impact on saddle movement

Cost £6


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Leadership for APC's - 23rd May 2024

11.30am - 13.00pm | 2 CPD points  | £15

APCs have a huge impact in the equestrian community; they are often the first port of call for advice for their clients, mentors to those looking to take their first steps into the industry and are the backbone of riding schools, pony clubs and riding clubs up and down the country.

Attendees of this workshop will explore the leadership involved in being an APC, the opportunities and challenges this can present and develop the communication skills to navigate the role.

The workshop will be an interactive, facilitated session with discussion, Q&A and resources to support continued learning.


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Foundations for Excellence in Equestrian Coaching - 3rd June 2024